THERMOHYGRO AND BARO METER THB-40 england 08118780111

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Spesifikasi THERMOHYGRO AND BARO METER THB-40 england 08118780111

Made in PCE - U.K

Thermometer, hygrometer and barograph with memory ( max. 16 GB, SD card) / large LCD display / diverse measuring units / powered by battery or mains component ( option)

The PCE-THB 40 hygrometer can detect ambient temperature and humidity as well as barometric pressure saving measuring results in the SD card.

The PCE-THB 40 hygrometer is a compact data logger with a wide memory capacity ( max. 16 GB in the SD card) which is the ideal tool for long-term records in the industrial sector ( refrigerated show counters, refrigerated transports and warehouses) and also for other measurements within the industrial sector ( heating and cooling processes, temperature in machines, warehouses, etc) .

The current measurement value is directly shown in the LCD display of the PCE-THB 40 hygrometer to allow for a direct reading of the value, and the graphic analysis of transfered values to a PC or a portable computer.

Recorded values can be directly transfered to a PC or portable computer for further analysis ( xls file in the SD card) . It is also possible to check if the values in the columns exceed any limit to detect if the cold chain has been interrupted within the food sector and if so how much time it has been interrupted.

The PCE-THB 40 hygrometer has an internal clock to ensure high accurate results. Measurement quota can be freely adjusted.
Electronics is protected against shocks.

Measures temperature, humidity and barometric pressure.
Memory with possibilty of real time registration with memory card ( 1 to 16 GB)
Recorded data are directly saved in Excel format in the SD card.
Selection of pressure units: hPa, mmHg and inHg
Low battery indicator
Large LCD display
Measurement quota can be adjusted
Solid case

Optinal software to transfer real time data to a PC or portable computer ( any software is needed for the analysis of the recorded data)

Technical specifications
Measurement ranges :
-Temperature 0 ... + 50C
-Relative humidity in air 10 ... 90 % RH
-Barometric pressure 10 ... 1100 hPa ( mbar)

Resolution :
-Temperature 0, 1 C
-Relative humidity in air 0, 1% RH
-Barometric pressure 0, 1 hPa at 1000 hPa ( 1 hPa)
Accuracy + / - 0, 8 C
-Temperature + / - 4 % RH
-Relative humidity in air ( > 70 % RH., but + / - 4 % RH.)
-Barometric pressure 2 hPa at 1000 hPa, but + / -3 hPa
Measurement quota 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300 or 600 seconds, or automatic ( it stores a data when there is an alteration of the value of + / - 1 C, 1 % H.r. or 1 hPa)
Memory flexible, by means of a SD memory car from 1 ... 16 GB ( a 2 GB SD card is included in the delivery)
Operating temperature 0 ... + 50C

HP. 08118780111 atau 081213112111

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HP. 08118780111
website: ALATTES.COM

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