Gas Analyzer

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Jawa Timur - Kediri
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Spesifikasi Gas Analyzer

Harga: Variatif
Cara Pembayaran: Transfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengiriman: Unit
Negara Asal: Amerika Serikat
Keterangan: H2scan recognizes the importance of detecting and locating hydrogen leaks as quickly as possible. H2scan’ s HYALERTA
™ 500 Handheld Hydrogen Leak Detector is the industry’ s most versatile, portable hydrogen leak detector
able to respond to the widest range of hydrogen gas concentrations without the need of any peripheral equipment.
The sensor probe has a unique visual LED array that will effectively help navigate to the source of a hydrogen leak
where hydrogen gas is produced, used, transported, or stored. With two sensing elements on the same
semiconductor die, the HY-ALERTA™ 500 can detect hydrogen leaks as low as 15 ppm and will not saturate or be
destroyed when detecting high concentrations of hydrogen up to 100% . The flexible cable allows the sensor probe
access to virtually all potential leak sources.

Tampilkan Lebih Banyak

CV. Artha Teknik

General Supplier and Contractor
1. Laboratory and Medical Products
2. Technical Hydrant system and Machienery
3. Carbon Activated
4. Drum
5. Pallet ( Wood or Metal)
Tampilkan Lebih Banyak

CV. Artha Teknik

Free Member
General Supplier and Contractor 1. Laboratory and Medical Products 2. Technical Hydrant system and Machienery 3. Carbon Activated 4. Drum 5. Pallet ( Wood or Metal)
Jawa Timur - Kediri
Login Terakhir 25-03-2014

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