Cooking oil filtration machine

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Spesifikasi Cooking oil filtration machine


TPF oil filtration machine is special for filtering waste cooking oil, dirty vegetable oil, trench oil, swill oil and animal oil etc., it effectively and completely removes particles, odor, water, acid and alcohol etc. from waste oil. The treated oil is clean, limpidity, and good smell. TPF is a good purification machine for Fry food factory, oil restaurant, cooking oil factory, vegetable oil factory, and waste oil collecting store. According to the treated oil usages, we can choose different machine body. For edible usage, we suggest to choose stainless steel body; for industrial, we suggest to choose steel carbon body. According to different working place, we recommend Skid type and mobile type ( Trailer with pneumatic tyre )

Machine Features:
1 TPF is composed of vacuum filtration system and pressure filtering system. Vacuum filtration system equips three grades filters, all of mesh filters are made of stainless steel, which make sure anti-corrosion and reliable. Pressing filtering system uses filter paper or filter bag as filter-media, making sure filter size is less than 1 micron.
2 TPF vacuum filtration system adopts the vacuum vaporizing technology to remove water, odor, alcohol and volatilization materials to Inhibit acid value and peroxide value increases.
3 High quality filtering components, large capacity for holding particles, anti-corrosion, good mechanical performance, long lifetime.
4 Efficient electric heating system, heating uniformity, less power consumption, safe, and reliable.
5 Adopts interlocked protective system, which connect oil pump, heater and liquid level sensor, avoiding blank heating, blank pumping, oil leak and electricity leak. If there is any fault, machine will be power off automatically 
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ruko klampis square surabaya, Jawa Timur Indonesia
Jawa Timur - Surabaya
Login Terakhir 27-02-2013

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