Jual Proceq Pundit PL 200 ultasonic pulse velocity#081289854242

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Spesifikasi Jual Proceq Pundit PL 200 ultasonic pulse velocity#081289854242


portant;">Proceq Pundit PL-200 – Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity & Proceq Pundit PL-200PE – Ultrasonic Pulse Echo

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">The Proceq Pundit PL-200 is a best-in-class Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) test instrument to examine the quality of concrete and other materials such as rock, wood and ceramics.

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">The Proceq Pundit PL-200 provides an extended range of measurement modes and superior features for on-site testing: Assess the concrete uniformity using standard A-Scans and the new Line Scan functionality, estimate the compressive strength of concrete or measure the surface velocity and the depth of perpendicular cracks.

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">The intelligent software supports directly accessible settings in real time from the measuring screen. The highest resolution and sharpest image available in the market allows best possible analysis of the measured waveforms.

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">Proceq offers an extensive range of transducers for the Pundit PL-200 providing highest accuracy and a proven field track record.

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">The Proceq Pundit PL-200PE employs state-of-the-art pulse echo technology to extend the ultrasonic application to objects where access is restricted to a single side.

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">The measurement process is greatly assisted by Proceq innovations such as advanced echo tracking and automatic estimation of Pulse Velocity. The A-Scan Mode allows direct analysis of the raw signal and the real-time B-Scan Mode provides a cross-sectional view perpendicular to the scanning surface. The Area Scan enables slab thickness uniformity testing in grid patterns.

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">This allows the user to determine the slab thickness and to localize subsurface deformities such as voids, pipes, delaminations and honeycombing.

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">Control buttons and optical feedback directly on the probe increase measurement efficiency and make to instrument even more user-friendly.

inkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; background-image: initial !important; background-position: initial !important; background-size: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important;">Features :

  • Line scans for concrete uniformity assessment
  • Zoom and scroll for precise A-Scan inspection
  • On board storage and review of waveforms
  • Settings directly accessible on measuring screen
  • Dual cursor for manual A-Scan evaluation
  • Separate cursor to measure signal amplitude
  • Improved surface velocity measurement
  • Automatic and manual triggering and user adjustable trigger threshold
  • A-Scan update rate up to 25 Hz
  • Expandable with Pundit Pulse Echo transducer

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