SCANBOX Line Duo Hot Box H14 + H14

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Bali - Badung
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Spesifikasi SCANBOX Line Duo Hot Box H14 + H14

 etail SCANBOX Line Duo Hot Box H14 + H14
#SCANBOX Line Duo Hot + Hot (Lemari Penghangat)
#Scanbox Ergo Line Duo H14 + H14 is an insulated hot box with two cabinets positioned side-by-side and are used for distribution of hot food. Both cabinets are heated statically up to +90°C. #ScanBox Two separate controllers allow different settings of temperatures in each of the cabinets. Infinitely variable temperature setting is performed via the digital display. #ScanBox LED-lights indicate when the selected temperatures have been reached. In order to minimize the time for heat recovery after frequently repeated door openings, convection heating is offered as an option.
#ScanBox Temp-Stop Technology
#Scanbox Ergo Line Duo H14 + H14 is manufactured with #ScanBox unique Temp-Stop technology. This maximizes the insulation capacity while minimizing the energy consumption. Detachable racks allow for easy cleaning. #ScanBox Racks with integrated air gaps generate free air circulation inside the box for an even temperature distribution.
·  #Scanbox Item number180029-1
·  #Scanbox Capacity14+14 x GN 1/1 65 mm
·  #Scanbox Measurements (mm)W1100 x H1550 x D810
·  #Scanbox Weight112 kg
·  #Scanbox Connection220V-240V / 1 phase / 50-60Hz
·  #Scanbox ConsumptionW/A 800+800 / 7
·  #Scanbox Temperature≤ +90 °C
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Perum Taman Krisna No.1 Tegal Jaya Dalung Badung
Bali - Badung
Login Terakhir 21-05-2019

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