Data Logger and Spot Logger Thermometer Touch Screen

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Minimum Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
6 kali
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Rp. 6.500.000
+ Penawaran


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Spesifikasi Data Logger and Spot Logger Thermometer Touch Screen

Data logger Thermometer
that is supplied with the unit. A large touch screen, colour display indicates temperature, maximum and minimum readings and will produce a graph of the data.

It has two functions ‘Data Logging’ and ‘Spot Check’;

In ‘Data Logging’ mode, the EL-EnviroPad-TC can be set up and left to take temperature readings at pre-determined intervals for a desired length of time. 
In 'Spot Check' mode, the EL-EnviroPad-TC can be used in two ways. Predefined Checklist Mode - used as an electronic checklist to do spot temperature checks on a predefined list of items and Spot Measurement - used as a thermometer to capture one-off temperature readings displayed on screen. 
This data can then be downloaded to PC via a USB connection and opened with Microsoft Excel or download the software here. The unit is compatible with any J, K, N and T type thermocouple probes. 

Battery Life 8 Hours
Data Recording Capacity (per recording) 65,536 Readings
Calibration Certificate Available Separately
Application Info

The EL-EnviroPad-TC is suitable for a number of applications including:
Food Safety in Cooking Processes
Cold Chain in the Food Industry
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