Fusion Splicer Fujikura 62S | Phn 081274087466

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Spesifikasi Fusion Splicer Fujikura 62S | Phn 081274087466

Fusion Splicer Fujikura 62S Splicing Alat Penyambung Fiber Optik
Description :
The Fujikura 62S provides active core alignment splice loss performance while utilizing a conventional wind protector and tube heater design. An alternative to the fully automated core-alignment model 70S, the 62S includes an auto-start feature for both the splicing and tube heating process that minimizes the steps necessary to process splices. With a shrink time of 23 seconds with standard splice sleeves, the 62S ensures a high level of productivity. Incorporating the proven ruggedised features pioneered by Fujikura, durability is greatly enhanced by a mirrorless optical system and severeimpact resistant monitor. Battery capacity is 200 splices/shrinks. The transit case doubles as a built-in  or mobile workstation and makes splicing easier than ever.

Features :
5,000 splices electrode life
23 second tube heating time with standard sleeves
Fully ruggedised for shock, dust and moisture
Li-ion battery with 200 splices/shrinks per charge
5 mm cleave length for splice on connector or small package needs
Sheath clamp or fibre holder operation
Internet software upgrades
Multi-function transit case with integrated workstation

Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi :
Faisal Roni Zayini
HP : 081388031624 / 087721761438 / 081274087466
PIN BB : 28BB71E8 / 5B78DEE3
Email : faisal•roni82@gmail•com / mitrageologi@gmail•com
Web : www•mitrageologi•com

Jl.Cipto Mangunkusumo ( H.Mencong ) , Perumahan Mahkota Simprug Blok C.6 / 15, Tangerang Selatan 15154
Tangerang Selatan
Tlp : 021-29040157
Fax : 021-34617569
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