permatex copper spray,gasket hi temp sealant

Rp. 135.000
Diperbarui: 20-03-2017 15:20
Brand: permatex copper spray,gasket hi temp sealant
Pembelian Minimal: 1 dus
Pengiriman: 3 hari sejak pembayaran
Detail dan Harga permatex copper spray,gasket hi temp sealant

Berat 350 gram


Fast-drying, metallic copper sealant helps dissipate heat, prevents gasket burnout and improves heat transfer. Fills minor surface irregularities. Seals instantly. Fills hot spots and surface imperfections. Temperature range -45C to 260C; resists all types of automotive fluids, especially gasoline. Level 3*

Suggested Applications: Cylinder head gaskets, carburetor gaskets, exhaust manifold gaskets and other high temperature applications

340 g aerosol can, 255 g net wt

1 dus 12 can

pt triviteknik
