UAP-Outdoor 802.11bgn Access Point With Management

Rp. 2.295.000
Diperbarui: 02-03-2016 14:37
Pembelian Minimal: 1 unit
Pembelian Maksimal: 1 unit
Pengiriman: 3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi: Jawa Timur - Tuban - Tuban
Detail dan Harga UAP-Outdoor 802.11bgn Access Point With Management

With the UniFi Controller software running in a NOC or in the cloud, administrators can extend and centrally manage wide areas of indoor and outdoor coverage using any combination of UniFi AP devices. Below are some examples of how UniFi APs can be deployed:

Take advantage of wireless downlinking. One wired UniFi AP uplink supports 4 wireless downlinks allowing wireless adoption of devices in their default state and real-time changes to network topology.

Use Hotspot to customize portal login pages and bill customers using major credit cards via PayPal. Or, set up a voucher-based authentication system using Hotspot Manager for voucher creation, user administration, guest management and payment refunds.

Ubiquiti UniFi Software Management

UniFi Controller Software

The UniFi Enterprise WiFi System includes the UniFi Controller software. Using the UniFi Controller software, an Enterprise WiFi network can be instantly configured and administered without any special training.

  • Packed with Features - After the UniFi Controller software is installed on a Mac or PC, the UniFi Controller can be accessed through any device using a web browser. The UniFi Controller allows the operator to instantly provision thousands of UniFi APs, map out networks, quickly manage system traffic, and further provision individual UniFi AP devices.

  • Users and Guests - Keep track and control access of specific users/guests connected to your network(s).

  • Remote Firmware Upgrade - Save time and effort by remotely upgrading device firmware.

  • Guest Portal Support - Easy customization and advanced options for Guest Portals including authentication, Hotspot setup options and the ability to run as an External Portal Server.

  • Events and Alerts - UniFi makes it easy to view and set up email delivery of alerts and recent events on your network(s).

  • One UniFied Network - Option to create one large wireless network across multiple APs that lets users seamlessly roam.

  • Save money. Save time. - Unlike traditional enterprise WiFi systems utilizing a hardware WiFi Switch, UniFi uses a virtual client/server application that requires zero cost and no additional hardware. 

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